Bauhaus Master Coop Design Research 2017/2018

02.10.2017 / 28.09.2018

Bauhaus Master Coop Design Research 2017/2018

Dessau (Germany)

“Master in Strategic Product and Service Design”

12.09.2016 / 30.07.2018

“Master in Strategic Product and Service Design”

Higher Polytechnic School, Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Mondragón, (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country)

Master’s Degree: “Styling and Concept Design with Automobiles”

03.11.2016 / 26.07.2018

Master’s Degree: “Styling and Concept Design with Automobiles”

UPV Ongoing Training Centre Classrooms and UPV ETSID workshop, Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia (Spain)

Master in Exhibition and Museum Design

15.05.2017 / 27.04.2018

Master in Exhibition and Museum Design

Palazzo Ridolfi, Florence (Italy)

Master’s Degree in Ephimeral Elements. Ephimeral and interactive architecture and installations

16.09.2016 / 02.02.2018

Master’s Degree in Ephimeral Elements. Ephimeral and interactive architecture and installations

Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Designing plastic injection moulds and parts

14.10.2016 / 31.12.2017

Master’s Degree: Designing plastic injection moulds and parts

Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy, Universitat Politècnica de València. Alcoy, Alicante (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects

02.11.2016 / 30.11.2017

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects

Online. Higher School of Design of Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Development

02.11.2016 / 30.11.2017

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Development

Online. Higher School of Design of Barcelona (Spain)

Post-Graduate: “Design Management”

20170217 / 20171027

Post-Graduate: “Design Management”

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Interface

15.10.2016 / 30.09.2017

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Interface

Pontificia University of Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Space Production and Design

17.10.2016 / 29.09.2017

Master’s Degree in Space Production and Design

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree: BIM and Integrated Design

06.10.2016 / 29.09.2017

Master’s Degree: BIM and Integrated Design

Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Advanced Typography

26.09.2016 / 25.09.2017

Master’s Degree: Advanced Typography

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - EINA, University Centre of Design and Art of Barcelona. Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Comprehensive Packaging Design for the Food and Wine Industry

21.09.2016 / 31.07.2017

Master’s Degree in Comprehensive Packaging Design for the Food and Wine Industry

Higher School of Design of La Rioja, Logroño (Spain)

Expert Course in Product Design for the Kitchen and the Table

01.02.2017 / 31.07.2017

Expert Course in Product Design for the Kitchen and the Table

ELISAVA: University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Engineering Development

17.10.2016 / 30.07.2017

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Engineering Development

CIM Foundation and BarcelonaTech (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Barcelona (Spain)

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