Bauhaus Master Coop Design Research 2017/2018

02.10.2017 / 28.09.2018

Bauhaus Master Coop Design Research 2017/2018

Dessau (Germany)

“Master in Strategic Product and Service Design”

12.09.2016 / 30.07.2018

“Master in Strategic Product and Service Design”

Higher Polytechnic School, Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Mondragón, (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country)

Master’s Degree: “Styling and Concept Design with Automobiles”

03.11.2016 / 26.07.2018

Master’s Degree: “Styling and Concept Design with Automobiles”

UPV Ongoing Training Centre Classrooms and UPV ETSID workshop, Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia (Spain)

Master in Exhibition and Museum Design

15.05.2017 / 27.04.2018

Master in Exhibition and Museum Design

Palazzo Ridolfi, Florence (Italy)

Master’s Degree in Ephimeral Elements. Ephimeral and interactive architecture and installations

16.09.2016 / 02.02.2018

Master’s Degree in Ephimeral Elements. Ephimeral and interactive architecture and installations

Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Designing plastic injection moulds and parts

14.10.2016 / 31.12.2017

Master’s Degree: Designing plastic injection moulds and parts

Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy, Universitat Politècnica de València. Alcoy, Alicante (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Development

02.11.2016 / 30.11.2017

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Development

Online. Higher School of Design of Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects

02.11.2016 / 30.11.2017

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects

Online. Higher School of Design of Barcelona (Spain)

Post-Graduate: “Design Management”

20170217 / 20171027

Post-Graduate: “Design Management”

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Interface

15.10.2016 / 30.09.2017

Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and Interface

Pontificia University of Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain)

Master’s Degree: BIM and Integrated Design

06.10.2016 / 29.09.2017

Master’s Degree: BIM and Integrated Design

Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Space Production and Design

17.10.2016 / 29.09.2017

Master’s Degree in Space Production and Design

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Advanced Typography

26.09.2016 / 25.09.2017

Master’s Degree: Advanced Typography

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - EINA, University Centre of Design and Art of Barcelona. Barcelona (Spain)

Expert Course in Product Design for the Kitchen and the Table

01.02.2017 / 31.07.2017

Expert Course in Product Design for the Kitchen and the Table

ELISAVA: University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Master’s Degree in Comprehensive Packaging Design for the Food and Wine Industry

21.09.2016 / 31.07.2017

Master’s Degree in Comprehensive Packaging Design for the Food and Wine Industry

Higher School of Design of La Rioja, Logroño (Spain)

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Engineering Development

17.10.2016 / 30.07.2017

Master’s Degree: Product Design and Engineering Development

CIM Foundation and BarcelonaTech (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Barcelona (Spain)

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