12th European Academy of Design Conference: Design for next

12.04.2017 / 14.04.2017

12th European Academy of Design Conference: Design for next

University La Sapienza, Rome (Italy)

Meeting: “TYPO Labs 2017: Berlin”

20170406 / 20170408

Meeting: “TYPO Labs 2017: Berlin”

Berlin (Germany)

Design Principles and Practices. 2017 Conference

02.03.2017 / 04.03.2017

Design Principles and Practices. 2017 Conference

George Brown College, Toronto (Canada)

Congress: “OFFSET Dublin”

20170217 / 20170219

Congress: “OFFSET Dublin”

Dublin (Ireland)

“<em>Congreso Mundial de Estudiantes de Diseño Gráfico y Artes Visuales</em> (World Congress for Students of Graphic Design and Visual Arts)

08.02.2017 / 12.02.2017

Congreso Mundial de Estudiantes de Diseño Gráfico y Artes Visuales (World Congress for Students of Graphic Design and Visual Arts)

Foro Mundial de Universitarios (World University Student Forum), Cancun (Mexico)

Conference: “Business&Design: Tim Karoleff”


Conference: “Business&Design: Tim Karoleff”

School of Architecture, Pamplona (Navarre)

Conference: “With Empathy and Care: Designing to Improve People’s Lives”


Conference: “With Empathy and Care: Designing to Improve People’s Lives”

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York (USA)

6th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD ’17): Design for communities

09.01.2017 / 11.01.2017

6th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD ’17): Design for communities

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (India)

IIDEX Canada 2016

30.11.2016 / 01.12.2016

IIDEX Canada 2016

IIDEX (Toronto, Canada)

MOTYF 2016 Festival: “International Symposium and Media Art Exhibition”

24.11.2016 / 25.11.2016

MOTYF 2016 Festival: “International Symposium and Media Art Exhibition”

Gutenberg Museum, Maguncia (Germany)

Mediations: Art & Design and Participation in Public Space

21.11.2016 / 22.11.2016

Mediations: Art & Design and Participation in Public Space

Royal College of Art, London (United Kingdom)

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