SMDM 2017: 2017ko Diseinuaren Mundu gailurra

2017.10.16 / 2017.10.25

SMDM 2017: 2017ko Diseinuaren Mundu gailurra

Montreal (Kanada)

2017ko Kongresua: «AIGA Design Conference»

2017.10.12 / 2017.10.14

2017ko Kongresua: «AIGA Design Conference»

Minneapolis (AEB)

Kongresua: «Design History Society Annual. Conference: Making and Unmaking the Environment»

2017.09.07 / 2017.09.09

Kongresua: «Design History Society Annual. Conference: Making and Unmaking the Environment»

Osloko Unibertsitatea, Oslo (Norvegia)

ICED17. Diseinu-Ingeniaritzaren 21. Nazioarteko Konferentzia

2017.08.21 / 2017.08.25

ICED17. Diseinu-Ingeniaritzaren 21. Nazioarteko Konferentzia

Columbia Britainiarreko Unibertsitatea, Vancouver (Kanada)

Kongresua: «ICON. The Illustration Conference»

2017.07.06 / 2017.07.09

Kongresua: «ICON. The Illustration Conference»

Austin, Texas (AEB)

Kongresua: «The Design Management Academy 2017. International Research Conference»

2017.06.07 / 2017.06.09

Kongresua: «The Design Management Academy 2017. International Research Conference»

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (Txina)

Kongresua: «Cumulus Conference REDO»

2017.05.30 / 2017.06.02

Kongresua: «Cumulus Conference REDO»

Design School Kolding, Kolding (Danimarka)

Webinale: The Holistic Web Conference

2017.05.28 / 2017.06.01

Webinale: The Holistic Web Conference

Berlin (Alemania)

Kongresua: «By Design Conference»


Kongresua: «By Design Conference»

Bratislava (Eslovakia)

27th CIRP Design Conference

2017.05.10 / 2017.05.12

27th CIRP Design Conference

Cranfield (Erresuma Batua)

HOW Design Live 2017

2017.05.02 / 2017.05.06

HOW Design Live 2017

Chicago (AEB)

Futurizz: The future of digital Business

2017.04.26 / 2017.04.27

Futurizz: The future of digital Business

5. pabiloia, Madrilgo Azoka, Madril (Espainia)

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