“EURADH 2016” and “ADHESION 16”

21.09.2016 / 23.09.2016

“EURADH 2016” and “ADHESION 16”

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (United Kingdom)

Workshop. Support instruments for international technological cooperation


Workshop. Support instruments for international technological cooperation

SPRI, Plaza Bizkaia Building. Bilbao (Biscay, Basque Country)

Illustration exhibition “Backstage PASS”

07.07.2016 / 19.09.2016

Illustration exhibition “Backstage PASS”

Espai Barra de Ferro, EINA: University Centre of Design and Art of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

“<em>Días de Vinilo. Una historia del diseño gráfico musical</em> (1940-2016) (Vinyl Days. A history of graphic musical design)”

10.06.2016 / 18.09.2016

Días de Vinilo. Una historia del diseño gráfico musical (1940-2016) (Vinyl Days. A history of graphic musical design)”

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santander and Cantabria (MAS), Santander (Spain)

ATypI: 60<sup>th</sup> International Typography Association Conference

13.09.2016 / 17.09.2016

ATypI: 60th International Typography Association Conference

Warsaw (Poland)

Summer course: Conceptual sketching applied to Product Design

05.09.2016 / 15.09.2016

Summer course: Conceptual sketching applied to Product Design

Creanavarra – Higher Centre of Design. Pamplona (Navarra)

Exhibition: “Design for Self sufficiency”

23.06.2016 / 14.09.2016

Exhibition: “Design for Self sufficiency”

IED Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

XXI Triennale di Milano: 21<sup>st</sup> century, Design after Desgn

02.04.2016 / 12.09.2016

XXI Triennale di Milano: 21st century, Design after Desgn

Milan (Italy)

Paris Design Week 2016

03.09.2016 / 10.09.2016

Paris Design Week 2016

Paris (France)

Design History Society Conference 2016

08.09.2016 / 10.09.2016

Design History Society Conference 2016

University of Middlesex, London (United Kingdom)

Gender Generation: The Creative Process in Art & Design

08.09.2016 / 09.09.2016

Gender Generation: The Creative Process in Art & Design

Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Battersea, London (United Kingdom)

Helsinki Design Week

01.09.2016 / 09.09.2016

Helsinki Design Week

Helsinki (Finland)

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