Design Market #FunnyTech

03.09.2016 / 04.09.2016

Design Market #FunnyTech

Design Central and Plaza of Matadero Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

Engineering Visions: Summer Course at the University of Lodz

24.08.2016 / 03.09.2016

Engineering Visions: Summer Course at the University of Lodz

University of Technology of Lodz (Poland)

6th International Kansei Engineering & Emotions Research Conference

31.08.2016 / 02.09.2016

6th International Kansei Engineering & Emotions Research Conference

University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

“Masse und Klasse: Graphic Design in the GDR”

17.03.2016 / 29.08.2016

“Masse und Klasse: Graphic Design in the GDR”

Museum der Dinge, Berlin (Germany)

“Fresh Product Exhibition. Fresh-made design in Madrid”

15.06.2016 / 28.08.2016

“Fresh Product Exhibition. Fresh-made design in Madrid”

Madrid (Spain)

NordDesign 2016

10.08.2016 / 12.08.2016

NordDesign 2016

Norweigian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (Norway)

18<sup>th</sup> Summer School on Research in Design Engineering

27.06.2016 / 30.07.2016

18th Summer School on Research in Design Engineering

Samobor (Zagreb, Croatia) and Birkerød (Denmark)

MATERIOTECA: Exhibition on innovative and sustainable materials

15.07.2016 / 29.07.2016

MATERIOTECA: Exhibition on innovative and sustainable materials

Edificio Ensanche, Bilbao (Biscay, Basque Country)

“First Congress on Graphic Design. Graphic trademarks of corporate identity”

18.07.2016 / 20.07.2016

“First Congress on Graphic Design. Graphic trademarks of corporate identity”

Miramar Palace. San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country)

X International Course on Illustration and Graphic Design

29.06.2016 / 02.07.2016

X International Course on Illustration and Graphic Design

Albarracín, Teruel (Spain)

Cycle revolution

18.11.2015 / 30.06.2016

Cycle revolution

Design Museum. London (United Kingdom)

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